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Valentine 2007
Love Struck by Janet Caudle


Cammy Gillet from the UK sent me this beautiful pink haired Longlocks that she had rerooted. I couldn't wait to design the perfect outfit for her. As you can see, this Valentine fabric couldn't be more perfect in my eyes. If it wasn't for Cammy sending me this pink reroot this outfit would have never been made. Thanks Cammy!

This is the only Valentine outfit I had time to make this year. I do hope you enjoy it! It is a limited edition of 20 sets and they're ready to ship out on Monday.  

Happy Valentine Day's!! With Love, Janet :)



Update: 2/4/2017! If you'd like more information on "Love Struck," click on the link below the photo to view more of the actual listing.



Janet's One of a Kind dolls and custom fashions have no affiliation with any doll or toy manufacturing company. Copyright 1999-2024. Janet Caudle owner. This site is not to be copied, reproduced, used or taken without the express written permission of the owner. Barbie is a registered trademark of Mattel and Dawn is a registered trademark of Checkerboard Toys.